On The Shelf

Wednesday, 5 October 2022

Dark Angels: Ravenwing Bike Squad TO-DONE!!!


Hi folks,

Just before I got caught up in DreadTober shenanigans I managed to finally complete this Ravenwing squad. It had been sitting in sub-assemblies for about 7 years, waiting for some finishing touches on the bikes. Well, those "finishing" touches took about two weeks to complete. I had purchased some sculpted bases during the last lockdown for them, and they took almost as much time as the bikes themselves to paint!

The sergeant is equipped with a combi-melta to really double-down on the anti-armour capabilities of the squad. He used to have a thunderhammer, which is not an option in the new Codex, unfortunately. His head is a Native American sculpt from Puppetswar, which my mate Wade kindly 3D printed for me.

The special weapons are both meltaguns, which I have posed like the old school plasma gunner. The pose was really easy on the sub-assembly, but getting them to fit on the bike was a bit of a nightmare.

The biker with the raven was one of the first models I actually completed. The raven is actually a Dark Eldar Razorwing sculpt. I managed to purchase a few more in resin before they disappeared from my FLGS, so expect to see a few more birdy friends on my Ravenwing figures.

With this project finished I am focusing almost completely on Dreadtober for the next couple of weeks, with the exception of tinkering with some Tyranid schemes for the next round of the 2nd Edition Army Challenge. More about that later... until then, it's double big stamp time!!

See you across the table,



  1. Your bikes look awesome Marc, and great use of that razorwing bit! That dude looks so good!!

    1. Cheers, mate. It was one of those ideas that stuck with me for ages and I just had to do it.

  2. The bikes look great.
    Really like the raven on the bikers arm, very evocative of the artwork with the biker holding the raven up, a personal favourite piece.
    I'd never considered using the Razorwing pieces for that but something I'll loot in the future.

    1. That is the exact artwork I was trying to pay homage to ;-)

  3. Man, I love finishing up projects that have sat for a while! Looking great as well! The addition of the Razorwing is very fitting.

  4. Those bikes came out aces. Great work. I also applaud the use of the razorwing. Hear Hear!

    1. Thanks, mate, I have a couple more to play around with as well.
