On The Shelf

Sunday, 4 August 2024

Blanchitsu Lictor TO-DONE!!!


Hi folks,

July was the last month of the 2nd Edition Army challenge. I had a couple of models lined up, including some bonus projects that were not in my original pledge. As usual, no plan survives contact with the enemy and I ended up just scraping through a single model.

I wasn't really in the mood for painting my usual scheme on this model, so I decided to have a go at an idea I have had rattling around my head for a while. I decided to have a go at painting it in a "Blanchitsu" style, using the kind of colour palette we see in John Blanche's iconic artworks. If you are not familiar with his work, this would have to be my favourite, a Dark Mechanicus character from the Horus Heresy:

I mixed a bunch of these colours on my wet palette and just dived into the flow-state, not surfacing until it was finished. It was quite liberating to not worry too much about where each colour was going and just paint for once. I am really happy with the result; I will let you decide whether it was a successful foray into Blanchitsu or not.

Strangely enough, the Lictor doesn't look that out of place with the rest of my Tyranids. The use of fairly neutral colours was very forgiving in that regard.

When the final post goes up on the challenge website I will do a wrap up article with some shots of the final army.

See you across the table,



  1. That's glorious! Absolutely delightful, I love the palette and how it all turned out!

    1. Thanks, mate; it was so refreshing to do something different.

  2. Very cool. I love the effect on the armour plates.

    1. I think if I had to do a whole army that way it would drive me crazy. You do it a lot more finely than I managed; I don't know how you get through a bunch of big bugs painting this way!
