On The Shelf

Monday, 26 August 2024

On a personal note...


Hi folks,

Something a little different today, so if you are just here for the hobby stuff, feel free to just skip to the photos.

In January this year I was diagnosed with a nerve sheath tumour, hidden underneath my shoulder blade and between my 6th and 7th rib. It was a relief to finally have an explanation for the intense chest pain I had been experiencing for 6 months. These tumours are usually benign, and mine seemed to be ok, apart from the awful, unrelenting, pain.

Most doctors didn't want to touch it, as the risks of surgery were worse than just keeping it where it was. It took 5 specialists and another 6 months to get a procedure that actually provided any relief. During that time I got my affairs in order and downgraded my hobby space, just in case. I also had time to reflect on what this hobby means to me, which resulted in cutting back on my social media presence in favour of family time.

I spent the last weekend before the procedure painting a bunch of Orks with my son, which was lovely. 

The procedure in July, which involved cryogenically ablating the nerve and tumour, was very successful. The pain relief has allowed me to slowly build back my health and I'm hoping to stay healthy for as long as possible. 

As soon as I had recovered enough, my son and I added the finishing touches to his Squighogs and "Unicorn the Attack Squig".

He's now 2 Kopters and a mob of 10 Boys away from completing his first 1000 point army. 

Needless to say, the last 12 months have been a mess. I have done a good job in some parts of my life pretending that I am ok but the reality has been more complicated. Painting and gaming, particularly with family and friends, has been a glowing beacon in the night. Similarly, my faith and church community, and the patient love of my family, have held me up when every physical and mental fibre gave way. I don't know what comes next (do we ever?), but I am planning on doubling down on the things that I love. 

Chances are, that means I'll be painting a Dreadnought sometime soon...

See you across the table,



  1. Man, life just throws a spanner into the works... Good to hear that you are doing better - less pain sounds like a worthwhile quality of life improvement.
    And good to have the hobby but most importantly the people in your life!
    I love that unicorn Squig! Looks like the army is really getting together!

    1. My son continues to surprise me with his painting. Just when I think I know where he is at, he will do something way beyond what I was expecting. The neat stripes on the squig's horn are a good example!

  2. Ah ha, sorry to hear things have been tough, but good that you have support. Dreadtober is a highlight of hobby year and I have some projects in mind, and in the country to achieve.

    1. All good, I was able to navigate my way through it (so far!). I am looking forward to DreadTober, as always. I have two projects in mind; one is sensible, the other is... bonkers...

  3. Yikes! Sorry to hear of the difficulties. I hope the procedure ends up bringing you long lasting comfort. Those Orks are amazing! I too love the unicorn squig. Lucky lad to have such a fine force at his command.

    1. I hope it lasts too, and we have a couple of plans in place if it doesn't. A far more positive outlook than I faced in January. My lad's army is going to be pretty awesome, can't wait to get crushed by it sometime soon :-)

  4. Marc, glad you have found some relief from what sounds like a horrible situation. I hope you get new found joy from the hobby and support and love from those around you. Keep strong, and although I may be on the other side of the world I'm always willing to chat [timezone dependent ;) ].

    1. Thanks mate, it all feels a bit like old news now, but thought I should record something for the sake of posterity. I can't seem to look back on my projects this year without thinking about it; it is all so intertwined. Thank goodness for modern medicine :-)
