On The Shelf

Monday, 30 September 2024

Dark Angels 1000 point Army


Hi folks,

I have been chipping away at my collection of Primaris marines since the start of 9th Edition, and have finally reached the point where I can say I have an army ready to play with. 

The overarching theme of the army was Dark Angels recruited from the Plains World engaging in urban warfare against a Tyranid invasion. The bases I used were mostly from the Sector Imperialis collection, with some kitbashed bases thrown into the mix. I used Astro granite debris to cover problematic areas and added hazard stripes. I used a lot of painter's tape getting those done! The secret ingredient was a scattering of autumn leaves; the bases just didn't seem finished until they were added. I used a couple of "Native American" heads from Puppetswar to push the Plains World origin of the marines. 


The warlord of the army is Brother-Librarian Malakai, a Terminator Librarian armed with a combi-weapon. He is able to significantly enhance the survivability and lethality of my Deathwing squad.

I have also included Brother Hephaeston, a Primaris Techmarine, to get the most out of my Vindicator and/or Ballistus Dreadnought.


Two 5 marine squads of Intercessors are included to capture and hold backline objectives. One will probably provide a bodyguard for my Techmarine and help support the Vindicator.


I can't imagine a Dark Angels army without any Deathwing Terminators. My squad will probably teleport into combat with the support of their warlord. This should allow them to contest objectives deeper into the battlefield.

A squad of Infiltrators will also be able to contest objectives beyond my deployment zone and deny enemy deep strikers.

A small unit of Suppressors provides some mobility for capturing objectives. They can also lay down some heavy fire which will hopefully reduce the effectiveness of enemy ranged attacks where I need it the most. I am not planning on keeping them stationary to take advantage of the heavy keyword on their accelerator autocannons; they need to keep moving.


My two vehicles are fully geared towards heavy fire support. The Vindicator is very swingy in its performance; it can mow down anything or do very little! The Techmarine will mitigate some of this, but I am really leaning into the rule of cool. I love the model, so it stays! Also, I don't think any other tank fits the urban combat theme better.

I have also included a Ballistus Dreadnought for some more reliable firepower. I also love the way it pays homage to the classic Dark Angels Dreadnought with its twin-lascannon and missile launcher.

I have plans to add a good chunk of Ravenwing to this army and bump it up to 1500 points, but that will have to wait...

DreadTober beckons 🎃

See you across the table,


Sunday, 29 September 2024

Dark Angels Vindicator TO-DONE!!!


Hi folks,

The school holidays have just started, which has given me just enough time today to add the finishing touches to my Vindicator. This tank is the last model in my 1000 point urban Dark Angels list, though in hobby butterfly style, I have already written a different version of the same list with some Ravenwing Black Knights 😅

The paint scheme is pretty standard as far as Vindicators go; the hazard stripes fit the style of my army perfectly. 

I used an old rocket pod from a Landspeeder sprue to represent a hunter-killer missile. I like it better than the strap-on missile launcher you usually get with vehicles.

I have a feeling I'll be painting some Orks with my young lad tomorrow, before getting stuck into my DreadTober project later in the week. Until then, time for a big stamp:

See you across the table,


Wednesday, 25 September 2024

DreadTober 2024 Planning


Hi folks,

I am gearing up to the run the DreadTober challenge again this year. It is hard to believe that October is just around the corner. Thankfully, knowing that these events tend to sneak up on me, I managed to get the parts for my project early. 

This year I am going to try and make an old school version of Moriar the Chosen, a Blood Angels Death Company Dreadnought. It will be the first model in a Blood Angels army I am hoping to piece together over the next 12 months.

The number of DreadTober 2024 challengers is fairly low so far, though it is great to see the veterans are back again for another year. If you are thinking about joining us, please check out the challenge website and consider posting about it on your own blog or social media. Hopefully, we can get some more people to join and make it a real party.

See you across the table,


Monday, 16 September 2024

Deathwing Librarian TO-DONE!!!


Hi folks,

I am laid up in bed at the moment with something fluey. In between marking school work and other odd admin tasks I have been tidying up the DreadTober blog in preparation for the challenge this year (more about that later).  I have been so busy with it that I forgot to post the final shots of my Librarian, which I finished on Saturday. 

Overall, I think he turned out quite nicely. The blue is a lot lighter than I originally envisioned, but I also like the shading and contrast that affords. The pose is a bit odd from front-on, in that you can't see the axe that I worked in so hard from the front!

I kitbashed him to carry a combi-plasma in his offhand. I think it looks pretty cool and provides some variety. Gaming-wise I think I prefer the stormbolter option, simply for the volume of fire it can dish out. Hopefully, this combi pings some wounds off and earns its place in the list 

I think I have one more project in me before DreadTober hits. I'm hoping to get my Vindicator done to finish off the first 1000 points of my list, and possibly get some pre-challenge construction done on my DreadTober project.

See you across the table,


Wednesday, 11 September 2024

Deathwing Librarian Progress


Hi folks,

Just a quick post today to share some progress I have made on my Deathwing Librarian. I have kitbashed him a bit to pay homage to the old 2nd Ed. figure, with the edition of a combi-plasma because I am a sucker for plasma.

I have been working in sub-assemblies because I simply could not figure out how to get to all the details any other way.

The blue of the armour is quite a bit lighter than I imagined it would be; I think I just got carried away pushing the contrast. 

I just have one more shoulder pad to go and I can assemble and finish basing him. I'll post the final product as soon as it's done, then get started on a Vindicator.

See you across the table,


Saturday, 7 September 2024

2024/2025 To-Do List


Hi folks,

The start of the new hobby season snuck up on me and caught me off-guard this year. I am not going to do a review of the last 12 months, as I haven't done all that much; my hopes of blogging more frequently fell by the wayside pretty quick last year. Similarly, my plans to get stuck into my 2nd Edition Blood Angels never really eventuated. When Dr The Viking decided to take a break from blogging and the 2nd Edition Army Challenge changed management, I decided to double down on my Tyranids and finish them off instead. 

For my list this year, I would really like to consolidate some of the army projects I haven't quite managed to finish in previous years. There are a few odds and ends I have picked up for each of my 2nd Edition armies that I want to paint, particularly as I am playing more games of 2nd Edition at the moment than anything else. I also have a 10th Ed. Dark Angels army that is nearing completion, that could do with a concerted effort before the edition changes and more models get shunted off to Legends.  

Without further adieu, here is my new To-Do List as it currently stands, with some pics for fun:

2nd Edition 40K

Dark Angels

Ravenwing Squad

Ravenwing Attack Bike

Scouts with Needle Sniper Rifles

Master of Ravenwing

Assault Combat Squad




Ripper Bases

Legion of the Damned

Bike Squad



Attack Bike

Chaplain on Bike

Imperial Agents


Grey Knight Squad A

Grey Knight Squad B

Callidus Assassin

10th Edition 40K

Dark Angels

Chaplain with Jump Pack

Assault Intercessors



Ravenwing Command Squad

Black Knights
