On The Shelf

Monday, 30 March 2020

Iron Snakes: 2000 Point Army TO-DONE!!!

Hi folks,

Well, after 6 long years, I have finally done* it. In the late hours of Saturday I finished my final* Iron Snakes model! This project has been an amazing roller-coaster ride, from start to finish*. It all began in Greece, when my wife was feeling bad that she had forgotten to get me a Birthday present (seriously though; I didn't mind!). I went searching for a 40K related online gift that may remind me of the trip, and ended up ordering some Greek-style space marine helmets and Iron Snakes shoulder pads, kick-starting my 40K odyssey.

I used those first parts on a squad of Sternguard, which I named Squad Lakodeme. With its ranks filled with recruits taken from the great undersea forge hives of Ithaka, Squad Lakodeme is renowned for its access to the Chapter's combi-weapon arsenal, as well as their indefatigable nature; holding the line at all costs. The squad is led by skull-helmed Veteran Sergeant Thanatos, following the disappearance of Mikos of Lakodeme, to realms unknown.

Squad Lakodeme

It soon became a test-bed for every crazy conversion and modelling idea I could think of, as well as every new painting technique. I quickly added a Contemptor to my collection as well as a Master of the Forge. Where most Techmarines are concerned with fortifications, Odyssean is a maker of shields, trusting in the strength of flesh to build his walls.

Ancient Nestor is deeply respected by the Iron Snakes, having experienced combat the likes of which few survive to re-tell. He often gives advice during combat that seems mad, but it stems from a deep wellspring of knowledge. Those who put their trust in him soon find the tides of battle turning in their favour.

Ancient Nestor and Master of the Forge Odyssean

When Centurions were released and started winning games with their Grav cannons, I bought two kits with plans of making my growing army competitive. Instead, I spent years converting them with plasma cannons, assault cannons and custom laser cut shields from ML Shields. The squad I painted was my Squaduary project for several years in a row!

Equipped with a combination of the finest heavy weapons the armories of Karybdis can supply, and massive storm shields from the forge of Odyssean himself, Squad Aegis is as intractable and destructive as a Landraider (which the Iron Snakes rarely field). Led by the humble Sergeant Kryto, the squad often forgoes the whims of hubris to shore up defenses where they are needed the most, where another squad has over-extended itself.

Squad Aegis assault cannon combat squad

After receiving an Imperial Knight Warden from Dave over at Confessions of a 40K Addict, the spoils of a wonderful terrain building competition, I decided to add some Knight allies to the army. The plan was for each knight to embody one of the great heroes of ancient Greek Mythology, Perseus, Theseus and Achilles. Each would have a free-hand symbol that represents each hero's greatest conquest.

Following their fateful and disastrous undertaking to Pylos, the remnants of House Feardrakken's expeditionary detachment was evacuated by Iron Snakes fleet assets. Having impressed the Iron Snakes with their mettle during the Battle of the Sea Gate, they were assigned honorary titles by Seydon; "Perseus" Intrepidus, "Theseus" Ferrum Fortis and "Achilles" Aeternus. They fought in defense of the Reef Stars for decades, before finally returning to their homeworld in glory.

"Theseus" Ferrum Fortis and Squad Aegis plasma cannon combat squad

Of course, Primaris Marines eventually hit the shelves and I had to make a hard decision; should I branch out and incorporate some of the new designs in my force or keep them on this side of the Rubicon Primaris. Reading Brothers of the Snake again, I realised that their Chapter Master, Seydon, was famous for being HUGE. He also keeps himself hidden behind a hooded cloak frequently and breathes with a respirator. I also read Spear of the Emperor, which described a Chapter led by a Primaris Chapter Master whose surgery had gone...awry. These two pieces fit together for me pretty neatly; Seydon could already be Primaris. I converted him using parts from the Primaris Captain kit, as well as many odds and ends I had in my bits box.

"Chapter Master Seydon was just a shadow: robed, mysterious and towering. His cloak was made of broken, polished, wyrm-horn pieces, linked together like a jigsaw puzzle by gold wire. Slow respiration throbbed form the exchanger tanks under his cloak... He was a good meter taller taller than Priad". 

Chapter Master Seydon and Apothecary Khiron

I also converted an Apothecary using parts from a Conquest magazine Reaver and some Ravenwing Command bits. He would represent Khiron, the Apothecary Priad fights to have in his squad. I finished Squad Damocles this year as my Squaduary project, using Conquest magazine Intercessors and a whole bunch of bits to make each of them unique, including more laser cut shields from ML shields. 

With things the way they are, I have no idea when I will get to play with this army. Six years ago when I started, if you told me I would be painting the last miniature in isolation on the two year anniversary of my best friends passing, I honestly don't know what I would have done. It would have definitely been unexpected! Looking at it now, completed*, I feel a huge sense of relief and no small amount of pride. This army and I have been through a lot, both good and bad. I hope you have enjoyed the journey as well, even though is has come to an end*.

2000 points of Iron Snakes

See you across the table,


P.S. Did you spot Ephialtes?

*Pffft, I'm not done yet. Terminators are already primed (Notable Skypio) and I still have a third Imperial Knight to do, which will involve some significant conversion work. 


  1. Man, a finished* army always looks amazing! Great to see all of you work over the years completed* in one picture. Such inspiring conversions.

  2. Wow, they look great! That's an awesome accomplishment. I hope you cna enjoy it in the table soon.

    1. I think it will be about 6 months before they'll see any action. Ah well. Cheers :-)

  3. Wow, an absolutely amazing accomplishment (see you earned 4 word alliteration :-)
    I love the book these were based on and your project brings the characters and chapter to life. I hope we can all get back to seeing our armies on the table soon.

  4. I am acutely appreciative and also acknowledge aforementioned astronomical accomplishment!

    My next trick will be a conversion of Holofurnace from Salvations Reach, I think...

  5. I reeeaally like Seydon! I'm half way through Brothers of the Snake and these look perfect.

    1. He's one of my favourite models now. I have to see if I can make a pet for him, the Iron Snakes seem to get on well with dogs and such. I hope you enjoy the book, suffice to say I liked it enough to spend 6 years painting 2000 points worth of them :-)

  6. First legion chronicles Old Stuff Day post is a really good reminder of this. Your army is awesome, I'm glad I could be a part of it in some small way. It is is surprising just how much we invest in these projects. How real-life become intertwined with our models and the narratives we create for them. Like smells or sounds we can pinpoint experiences with the models we painted at the time and the collectively become a testament to those experiences and people we love.
