Friday 14 June 2024

2nd Edition Gargoyles and Friends TO-DONE!!!


Hi folks,

Month 4 of the 2nd Edition Army Painting challenge is done and dusted. My slice has been many months in the making, with the construction of these Gargoyles completed in 2023.

I have been quietly dreading this paint job, the Gargoyles have such tiny features where the flamespurts meet the mouth and hands. I think I managed to do them justice in the end, but it really was a real challenge for me. The flamespurts in 2nd Ed. use the flamer template, so a brood of Gargoyles can really disrupt enemy squads and open-topped vehicles (the driver is going to take a hit). 

To top off the slice, I painted 8 Spore Mines to use with my Biovores from last month. I used some older models which I feel have a little more character. I think they look like little see creatures. I really love how they turned out; the extra time I spent on blending in some lighter green shades was worth it.

I have already started on my June slice, which includes another massive Armorcast figure. The Maleceptor can be used to deliver a brood deep into the heart of an enemy formation, or... It can burst into goop and take the brood with it; them's the breaks in 2nd Ed.!!

See you across the table,



  1. Gargoyles always were some of my favourite models! These look absolutely mint! And of course the spore mines are always a cute addition to the Tyranid arsenal.

    1. They are fantastic sculpts, just so fiddly to get on their flying stands and to paint. The older Nid models are a real challenge to paint, but worth it for all the character they exude (excrete?).

  2. What's not to love about these? They look terrific, ready to hunt their prey. I think I painted a couple of Gargoyles back in the day and I remember them being quite tricky models. Fantastic job!

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    2. Cheers, mate. I really do love them, but I'm also glad that they are finished and not sitting on my paint bench just undercoated anymore :-)
