Monday 30 September 2024

Dark Angels 1000 point Army


Hi folks,

I have been chipping away at my collection of Primaris marines since the start of 9th Edition, and have finally reached the point where I can say I have an army ready to play with. 

The overarching theme of the army was Dark Angels recruited from the Plains World engaging in urban warfare against a Tyranid invasion. The bases I used were mostly from the Sector Imperialis collection, with some kitbashed bases thrown into the mix. I used Astro granite debris to cover problematic areas and added hazard stripes. I used a lot of painter's tape getting those done! The secret ingredient was a scattering of autumn leaves; the bases just didn't seem finished until they were added. I used a couple of "Native American" heads from Puppetswar to push the Plains World origin of the marines. 


The warlord of the army is Brother-Librarian Malakai, a Terminator Librarian armed with a combi-weapon. He is able to significantly enhance the survivability and lethality of my Deathwing squad.

I have also included Brother Hephaeston, a Primaris Techmarine, to get the most out of my Vindicator and/or Ballistus Dreadnought.


Two 5 marine squads of Intercessors are included to capture and hold backline objectives. One will probably provide a bodyguard for my Techmarine and help support the Vindicator.


I can't imagine a Dark Angels army without any Deathwing Terminators. My squad will probably teleport into combat with the support of their warlord. This should allow them to contest objectives deeper into the battlefield.

A squad of Infiltrators will also be able to contest objectives beyond my deployment zone and deny enemy deep strikers.

A small unit of Suppressors provides some mobility for capturing objectives. They can also lay down some heavy fire which will hopefully reduce the effectiveness of enemy ranged attacks where I need it the most. I am not planning on keeping them stationary to take advantage of the heavy keyword on their accelerator autocannons; they need to keep moving.


My two vehicles are fully geared towards heavy fire support. The Vindicator is very swingy in its performance; it can mow down anything or do very little! The Techmarine will mitigate some of this, but I am really leaning into the rule of cool. I love the model, so it stays! Also, I don't think any other tank fits the urban combat theme better.

I have also included a Ballistus Dreadnought for some more reliable firepower. I also love the way it pays homage to the classic Dark Angels Dreadnought with its twin-lascannon and missile launcher.

I have plans to add a good chunk of Ravenwing to this army and bump it up to 1500 points, but that will have to wait...

DreadTober beckons 🎃

See you across the table,


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